Communication is Oxygen, But Too Much Will Kill You

In the hyperconnected world of Automattic, where Slack channels buzz like beehives and p2 threads stack up like digital paperwork, communication is a double-edged sword. It keeps us linked, breathes life into our distributed existence. It’s our oxygen.

But too much oxygen will kill you.

Navigating the river of constant chatter and updates as a designer is no small task. Have a 2pm meeting on the calendar? My entire morning becomes an overture to that meeting, a time of distracted anticipation rather than focused productivity. It’s like trying to read a novel while someone narrates a completely different story in your ear.

To stay afloat, I’ve learned to create islands of solitude in this sea of information. Sacred spaces in the chaos. Spaces where my creativity is free to roam undisturbed by the onslaught of incoming messages. The secret ingredient? Mastering the art of saying “no”, a small word with huge implications. It’s not always met with applause, and it certainly comes with its challenges, but when I do say “yes”, it’s a commitment, not a compromise.

The reality is that my best ideas don’t show up in the chaos of multitasking. They surface in the quiet moments of focus. I’m not alone in this. If you look around, you’ll find countless anecdotes of creative breakthroughs happening in spaces free from distractions.

So, I invite all designers to take a moment and reflect. Reflect on your relationship with communication. Is it fueling your creativity or suffocating it? Could you benefit from setting some boundaries, creating your own sacred spaces?

Don’t feel guilty about those unanswered p2 threads, the missed Slack messages, the ignored Github notifications, or the meetings you couldn’t attend. Make room for focus, for it’s within those moments of silence that the seeds of creativity sprout.

And in the grand symphony of work, sometimes the most beautiful notes are found in the silence.





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